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Managing Depression & Anxiety

Rapid, unplanned and unpredicted change, however large of small leads to anxiety, which when not address and dealt with leads to onset of depression and onset of other mental illness.

Depression can be managed, addressed and cured.

Applying psyco-physical principals, Imatter has developed set of interventions which can help reduce depression across all age groups significantly.

In a recent control group study done by us, we were able to demonstrate 82% reduction in Depression using interventions developed by us.

Need help ? Get in touch now.

Effective Storytelling 

Human mind accepts stories that are clear, human, personalised and easy to understand

Developing an effective storytelling capability is an art which when used with technology helps individual create positive impact and achieve the outcome they want.

Developing EI & EQ

Building Emotional Intelligence in self helps become a more empathetic and effective leader and human growth 

Supporting development of Emotional Quotient in your eco-system helps develop a positive impact in people you influence and come in touch with 

Digital Leadership & Innovation

Digital transformation is not about technology bit is about people at the fundamental level

Building a mindset that can leverage the unprecedented access to information, communities and people to ensure that desired positive impact is created in the ecosystem for both business and personal success.

Changing Paradigms

Changing paradigms is all about locating the old and redundant scripts in our minds.

We help individuals in re-formatting and re-scripting scripts that need to change and evolve. 

How to help drive self-excellence through the changed scripts.

Get Hired, Nail the Interview

Stand out from the crowd, distinguish yourself as a compelling candidate and get hired. Get the skills and insights needed to navigate the interview process and get the job offer.